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Mission Statement

Our mission is to inspire all students to be confident, passionate learners with the courage and skills to lead their lives with integrity, while contributing to our global community with creativity and compassion.

Teacher Resources



Additional Educational Resources

ThinkfinityNY and Beyond (formerly Marco Polo) New York: Here you will find lessons matched to NYS learning standards on three levels in five major subject areas.


Space Foundation: Educators National Science Standards and Lesson Bank:
This Bank of Standards Based Lessons is designed to help PreK - 12 educators increase student learning specifically in science. It has the capability of preparing students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills both on standardized testing and in daily learning.


KidsHealth: The popular Web site has animations and activities to draw learners to its "How The Body Works" feature. The section covers 19 different body parts and now incldues articles, word searches, quizzes, movies, and other activities.


AskERIC database


The Gateway to 21st Century Skills: A one-stop access to lesson plans, curriculum units, and other educational units on the Internet provided by the National Educational Association.


Intercultural E-Mail Classroom Connections


PBS Teachers Source


Federal Resources for Educational Excellence

TeacherTube (A "YouTube" for Teachers): Including Videos, Tutorials, Lesson Plans, etc.


Educating.Net (Portal to the World of Knowledge):


Picture Dictionary: The Internet Picture Dictionary is a completely free, online multilingual picture dictionary designed especially for ESL students and beginning English, French, German, Spanish and Italian language learners of all ages. Use flashcards, fill-in-the blanks and other activities for practice. This is a terrific website for our younger students…..use it during whole group instruction or during computer center time. Grades 1–5
Music Teachers: It includes a module with activities for learning music e.g., notes, key signatures, etc.


International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE): is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting the use of information technology to aid in learning, teaching of K-12 students and teachers.


2007 National Education Technology Standards:


Partnership for 21st Century Skills: The leading advocacy organization infusing 21st century skills into education.

Intel® Education Initiative: For a decade, the Intel® Teach Program has been helping K–12 teachers to be more effective educators by training them on how to integrate technology into their lessons, promoting problem solving, critical thinking and collaboration skills among their students.